
“You Are Not Practical In Your Approach!”


You can call it funny, stupid, strange, intelligent, mysterious, or powerful . Human beings have trained their minds to acquire one or many of these six special characteristics. 90% of the human beings at some stage of their life have experienced the first four qualities of human mind. The last two traits of mysterious and powerful has always eluded the ordinary people.

I discovered something very interesting yesterday in of my conversations with my clients and i want to share that with you….

“You Are Not Practical In Your Approach!” said my beloved client to me. I love my clients you see, otherwise how can you help them. My client wanted to me to find out if i can help her get two extra hours every day . She loved painting and she wanted to devote two hours everyday towards her passion.

No Big Deal !

” How many hours do you sleep” I asked . This is the first thing i ask everyone.

“Eight” she replied.

“Great ! From tomorrow try getting up an hour earlier .Human beings only need six hours of sleep to stay healthy…” I said

“You Are Not Practical In Your Approach Vish !” she told me.

I couldn’t help laughing. Human mind is so funny ! We use words so casually in our day to day life. The word practical is defined in English dictionary to mean realistic and this word is rarely used by great men and women. No dreams are realistic or practical and hence great souls avoid them. There is however one more hidden reason why great beings avoid this word. Human mind has the tendency to mix comfort with realistic. Our definition of practical is based completely on our comfort level. We are not ready to break free from our comfort zone and over the years we have acquired a number of so called comfort zones based on our lifestyle and habits which we are have taken for granted.

“Let’s do an experiment…” i said to my beloved client . “For the next two weeks if you get up two hours earlier, I will reveal to you some breakthrough secrets of higher life which i have never shared with anyone…”

Her face beamed.She loved all my breakthrough secrets… And so a little bit hesitantly she said “Yes”.

Now this female was very disciplined… I told her i will give her a wake up call at 5.00 am every day. She had no choice but to listen… Now watch what happened during the next two weeks…

Day 1: I call her at 5.00 am . The phone rings seven times before she picks up ” Good morning !” I say… A few minutes later she is again snoring. I know this is going to happen so i ring her back again.. ” Wash your face you have already won the first round” She is still half sleepy but she gets up this time…

Day 2: I call her at 5.00 am again. She picks up the call at the fifth ring.. She gets up because she knows i will call her again…The first half hour she is feeling very sleepy…

Day 3 Same results as Day 2

Day 4 Same results as Day 2

Day 5 Same results as Day 2

Day 6 She picks up the call at the third ring. She is feeling very fresh all of a sudden…

Day 7 She picks up the call at the second ring. She is very cheerful..

Day 8 Her body and mind had got used to getting up at 5.00 am. She had already got up before my call came.

Day 9 She had switched off her mobile phone. She was completely focussed on her painting.

Day 10 I visit her at her house at 7.00 am and she hands me a beautiful painting of a morning sunrise. She is ecstatic … and so was I

If you notice carefully the change happened from Day 6 …

The first five days she was focusing more on getting up earlier and so she was finding it very difficult… She was also spending the first forty five minutes doing various other activities which were routine and not creative. On the night of Day 5 i called her up and told her to visualise a beautiful picture before she went to bed that night. I told her that she had to start painting this picture from Day 6 and complete it by Day 9. I also advised her that for the first two hours after she got up she would only paint and do nothing else …

Now what I did here was to help her focus more on her passion for painting rather than getting up earlier. One of the main reasons why people find excuses is because there is no strong driving force which propels them to take big time action. . The turnaround happens when you put something before you which makes you feel so excited that you forget everything else … this is the trick.

What seemed impractical on day 1 now seemed to be a routine from Day 11 onwards. She never used the word practical again for the rest of her life. She knew it did not fit into the personality of higher souls …

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