
Why is your manifestation not working (and what to do about it)


You understand the principles of manifesting, but you’re having difficulty explaining why you’re still not seeing results.

You don’t believe that we create our reality. Still, you understand the laws of attraction and acknowledge that what we think about, we attract into our experience.

You’ve been practicing these principles for years.

If you repeat affirmations repeatedly, you will eventually believe them, just as if they were true.

My income level is steadily rising. This means I’m doing the right things to ensure my income grows.

 Okay, why is that perfect relationship or more income not what you’re experiencing?

Who Should You Blame?

If you’re feeling stuck, it’s time to change the narrative. It doesn’t matter where you get your beliefs from, but it does matter how many you have. There is a way around this. It would be best to focus on the things that serve you better, such as The Universe is full of abundance. Everything is perfect for you in the right place at the right time, and you’ll never run out of money. We’ve all felt inadequate at times. We don’t have to be perfect or feel worthy of being happy and prosperous.

I love the quote by Marianne Williamson: “We don’t get paid to be positive; we get paid to help people feel better about themselves.” Your circumstances are not your life. When you change your perspective, you can choose to feel joy, happiness, and optimism no matter what happens. Do something you’ve always wanted but never dared to try. Or perhaps it’s something that scares you but would give you a sense of fulfillment.

What Can You Do?

So, now you believe that it is possible to have all you desire. You’re going to make it happen. And 2. you have done your part and are just waiting for the Universe to fulfill those desires. “You do not control life. One more question here that seems to be missing. It’s true. The Universe will supply. But wait, you say. This is about you. A: That’s right, it is. Let’s look at the evidence first. Don’t move yet. Let’s take an educated look at the situation to see if the evidence suggests we need to take action to manifest our dream life.

We are in a situation where we can do this because we have already manifested our dream life through our life experiences. But when we look at our life experiences, we realize many were unfavorable. For example, if we look at our current situation, we are either working or doing something else. We have a job, but it’s not exactly what we want. We are stuck in traffic, and there is no way out of the traffic jam. We are in a relationship, but it’s not as good as we wanted.

Focus on what you want

And so on. Many people can manifest their dream life but don’t know how to get out of the situation they find themselves in. The first step is to understand why we are in our current situation. What happened? Why did we lose our jobs? Why was our relationship not working? Why did we get stuck in traffic? In all these situations, there is an element of choice. There are many possible choices we could have made. But we didn’t choose them because they were not aligned with our dreams.

Become A Creator

As you begin to see that you are the creator of your life, you will naturally choose new actions and habits. As a result, you will create a new reality for yourself and your family. I believe this is one of the most important messages in this article. It is easy to blame others for our problems, but it is much more helpful to look within and understand what we did to cause the pain in the first place. 

As you understand your power, you will have a more remarkable ability to change your circumstances. The Law of Attraction says that what you focus on is what you attract. It is impossible to think about something and not feel drawn to it. On the other hand, suppose you want to attract a particular result. In that case, you must be willing to do whatever is necessary to get there. You cannot expect to be happy, wealthy, healthy, or loved if you do not take steps to bring them into your life.

Stay Committed to Your Dream

When you make a commitment, any commitment, to do something in the direction of your desire, you are showing the Universe that you are willing to put in For me. It’s beneficial because it helps focus my attention on my actions instead of my thoughts. This action doesn’t need to be earth-shattering stuff to be essential and powerful for you. This intense action comes from feeling inspired, having a sense of inspiration, or experiencing a coincidence. It’s critical to keep in mind that the more you get done, the more you’ll feel good about doing it. The Universe will make your dreams come true!


A commitment is an expression of your willingness to act in the direction of your desire. When you make a commitment, any commitment, to do something in the order of your passion, you are showing the Universe that you are willing to put in the work. This action doesn’t need to be earth-shattering stuff to be essential and powerful for you. This intense action comes from feeling inspired, having a sense of inspiration, or experiencing a coincidence.

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