
What To Do When You Feel Disconnected From The Divine? (Do this Now)


Do you find yourself feeling frustrated because you can’t seem to connect with the divine no matter what you try? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with finding a meaningful connection with a higher power. In this post, we’ll explore some common fears, goals, and aspirations related to this topic and provide tips, anecdotes, and perspectives to help you overcome frustration and deepen your connection with the divine.

What’s stopping you from connecting with the divine?

Is it fear, expectations, or something else? Take some time to reflect on what might be hindering your connection. For example, are you trying too hard to force the relationship, or are you open to it happening naturally? Perhaps a shift in mindset could help you find greater peace and fulfillment in your connection with the divine.

What should you do?

Focus on gratitude and appreciating the beauty in life. Acknowledge and thank the divine for everything, big or small. This simple gratitude can help you feel a deeper connection with the divine.

Take time to meditate. Focus on one thing, such as breathing deeply and relaxing your body. Meditate before you start your day or after you’ve completed it. Learn how to laugh. We all have times when we need just to let go and laugh at something. It’s good for our health and well-being—practice self-compassion. When you feel down, ask yourself if you are too hard on yourself. Then practice self-compassion by giving yourself a break. Get out of your comfort zone.

My story

I once felt disconnected from the divine, and it was a horrible feeling. It feels like everything is out of control. I thought the divine had given up on me, and everything was against me. As a result, the stress and anxiety built up to a point where it started affecting my work, relationship, and, most importantly. My health.

I still remember I got sick because of that, and I certainly don’t want you to experience the same. So then, I started a daily gratitude journal and wrote down three things I was grateful for every morning. Over time, I began to feel a deeper connection with the divine. Sometimes, the most straightforward solutions can be the most effective.

Tune In

 Connecting with the divine is like tuning a radio station. If you keep trying different frequencies, eventually, you’ll find the one that comes in clearly. So don’t give up and keep exploring different ways to connect with the divine.

How to Connect with the Divine The first step to connecting with the divine is to realize that you are already connected to the divine. It’s not something you have to earn or do to get, but rather a simple truth about who you are. When you stop resisting your connection to the divine and begin accepting it as a fact, it’s much easier to connect to it. If you try to force yourself to communicate with the divine, you’ll be more likely to feel anxious, angry, or guilty when you don’t.

How to Connect With The Divine?

One way to connect with the divine is through prayer or affirmations. For example, repeat a positive phrase such as “I am guided and protected by the divine” several times a day. This can help you cultivate a deeper connection and trust in the divine’s presence.

Another way to connect with the divine is through meditation. Meditate on a specific topic, such as your purpose for being alive or the divine feminine. Consider what your higher power wants to teach you, and listen with your heart. You will be amazed at how much knowledge and wisdom the universe offers. Prayer and meditation are the easiest ways to connect with the divine. Still, there are many other ways to communicate with the divine. Think of a time when you felt close to the divine. What was it like? How did you feel?

Control vs. Surrender

Connecting with the divine vs. trying to control the outcome. Which one brings you greater peace and fulfillment? When you focus on connecting with the divine, rather than trying to control the outcome, you may find that your life flows more quickly, and you feel more content and fulfil.

You can’t control what happens in your life, but you can choose how you react to what happens. For example, if you are in a relationship and the other person is doing something that bothers you, you don’t have to get angry or upset about it. Instead, you can say, “I am feeling hurt by this right now. I need time to process this and decide how to respond to it.” Or if you are experiencing a setback in your business, you can say to yourself, “I am feeling sad about this right now.


Remember, there’s no one right way to connect with the divine. The most important thing is approaching it with an open mind and heart. Keep exploring different ways to connect, and trust that the divine will guide you in the right direction. And when you do feel frustrated, take a step back and focus on gratitude. Over time, you’ll find that your connection with the divine grows more potent and more meaningful.

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