
How to use The Law of Assumption to Manifest Faster? (4 Simple Steps)


What is the Law of Assumption?

The Law of Assumption is a powerful principle that can help you manifest your desires and bring abundance into your life. This principle states that our thoughts and feelings directly influence the events and experiences in our lives. Therefore, you can attract them into your life more easily and quickly by fully assuming the feeling of already having your desires. In this article, we’ll explore how to use the Law of Assumption for manifestation, including tips for focusing on the emotions associated with your passion, living as if it has already come true, surrendering control, and practicing regularly. With these techniques, you can harness the power of the Law of Assumption to manifest your deepest desires and bring abundance into your life.

How to Use the Law of Assumption

For manifestation purposes, this means that when we fully assume the feeling of already having our desires, we attract those desires into our lives more quickly and easily. So, how exactly can you use the Law of Assumption to manifest your desires?

I will teach you to do that through the process of “assumption.” I want you to imagine that you already have your desire. You don’t just think about it. You feel it. And you feel it with all of your heart. And you know it’s true. You might think, “Well, what if I just dream about my desire, and it comes true?” That’s not the same thing.

#1 Channel Your Emotions

The Law of Attraction is a deep subject, and most people do not realize that they are already putting into practice this law. The basic idea behind it is simple: we attract what we focus on. By focusing on positive things, we feel good and get positive results. While focusing on negative things, we feel bad and get adverse effects. Many people think this law only works on thoughts, but it also works on emotions.

Focus on the emotions associated with already having your desire: When you think about your desire, focus on the object or outcome you want and the emotions and feelings you would have if you already had it. For example, if you wish for financial abundance, focus on the feelings of security, freedom, and peace of mind that come with having abundance.

Think about how your life will be different: If you want to feel more confident in public speaking, ask yourself how your life will be different once you can speak at ease and without self-consciousness. Will you have more time? More money? More energy? Less anxiety? Or maybe none of those things. The answer will help you determine what you need to do to feel more confident in public speaking. Remember the old adage, “If you can dream it, you can achieve it.” What is it that you want? Can you imagine yourself already having it?

#2 Live As If

Live as if your desire has already come true: This involves taking action as if your desire has already come to fruition.

For example, you can work on yourself and your relationship with others in a way that is in keeping with your desire, even though it may not have been fulfilled yet. Take the action that will fulfill your desire: This is the most important part of manifestation. This is also known as the “I’m going to do this” part of manifestation. For example, you can take steps toward getting a new job or finding a lover. Know that it is working: Know that the Universe is working for you. This means that you can trust the process.

You can also look for signs of moving closer to your desires. For example, you may receive a phone call leading to a new job or an email from someone you have been waiting on.

Another example is if you want a new car, start acting as if you already have it by taking care of it and even sitting in it and imagining driving it. This reinforces the feelings and emotions associated with already having your desire, making it more likely to manifest in your life.

#3 Surrender Control

This is what you must do. The process of change begins with a question. It starts with you asking yourself if you want to live your life in a way that is in harmony with who you really are. If this is true, you will notice that you always make better choices. You are making decisions more often from a place of clarity and wisdom than from a place of fear. You are creating the future you want for yourself. The first step is to ask yourself if you want to be happy.

I assume your answer is yes, and you have to surrender control.

Surrender control and let go of the outcome: One of the biggest challenges in manifestation is letting go of the attachment to the outcome. By focusing on the feelings and emotions associated with your desire, you can surrender control and trust that the Universe will bring it to you at the right time and in the right way.

#4 Practice Regularly

Practice regularly: The more you focus on the feelings and emotions associated with your desire, the stronger the energy you put into the Universe. This makes it more likely for your desire to manifest. So, practice regularly and focus on the feelings of already having your desire.

Set a goal for yourself that is achievable: As I said before, one of the most important things you can do to manifest your desire to have an attainable goal. This means that when you think about your plan, you must be able to imagine yourself as having it in the present tense. If you can’t, you are setting yourself up for failure. Set a goal for yourself that is realistic: Your goal should be achievable in the short term and something that is also realistic.


In conclusion, the Law of Assumption is a powerful tool for manifestation. By focusing on the emotions associated with already having your desire, living as if it has come true, surrendering control, and practicing regularly, you can easily attract your desires into your life.

Remember, your thoughts are only thoughts until you make them happen. So, by focusing on the emotion, you associate with having your desire and then acting as if it is already true, you will begin manifesting the things you desire. 

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