
A Beginner’s Guide to Healing Crystals


Why Do We Use Crystals

We need protection from many things, like the rain, the sun, the cold, or a bully on the playground.

It may be time to take your first steps toward a healthier relationship with yourself, a friend, or the world around you.

Clouded by negative energy may happen when you don’t know what to do next.

Sometimes it isn’t easy to move forward when you don’t know what to do next.

But, no matter how it happens, there are internal and external factors that we may need protection from.

Many people with a focus on self-care may benefit from crystals. 

If you are dealing with self-negativity, self-sabotage, toxic relationships, or negativity from others, protection using crystals may help.

Crystal Usage In Ancient Times

The use of crystal began among the ancient Sumerians.

They considered them magical and included them in their magic spells. The ancient Egyptians wore jewelry made from lapis lazuli, turquoise, CarnelianCarnelian, emerald, and clear Quartz.

This article provides a wealth of information about the most fantastic gemstone.

It’s filled with gems with a long history of being revered for their power and beauty.

For example, the topaz was used to treat night terrors and purify evil spirits.

Note that it’s “topaz” (with two “z” s) in this case, not “topaz,” which is the name of the gem.

Q: Egyptians also used crystal cosmetically.

Galena (lead ore) was ground to a powder and used as the eye shadow known as kohl. Malachite was used similarly.

Green stones, in general, were used to signify the deceased’s heart and were included in burials.

This book looks at the green rocks from the Aztec culture in Mexico excitingly. These were used for the same purpose as our modern-day stones but are even more powerful and effective.

Crystal benefited the Ancient Greeks, who attributed several properties to it and named it after Greek roots.

Today we still call it crystal, but many other names have been given to it.

Crystals come from the Greek word for ice, as they were believed to be frozen water so hard that it will always remain solid.

In medieval times, amethyst was used to cure melancholy, epilepsy, and various nervous conditions.

Heatonite was worn as an amulet to protect the wearer against disease.

Bloodstone is a protective stone.

Hematite is an iron ore.

The ancient Greeks associated iron with the god of war.

To protect yourself from the cold, rub hematite on your body.

Greek soldiers used it in a battle to make themselves immune to pain and injury.

The best sailors of all time wore various amulets to keep them safe at sea.

The most valuable jewel in ancient China was jade.

Some Chinese characters show jade beads.

Chinese first made chimes out of stone, then metal, and around 1000 years ago, Chinese emperors were sometimes buried in jade armor.

There are burials with jade masks from around the same period in Mexico. Jade was used as a kidney healing stone in China and South America.

More recently, in the early 1800s, the Maoris of New Zealand used jade pendants to represent the ancestor spirits passed down many generations by males.

In parts of New Zealand, the tradition of using green stones for good luck is still alive.

Crystal Usage In Religion

Many different religions have used crystals and gemstones for thousands of years.

The world’s most popular religions are mentioned throughout the Bible, the Koran, and many other religious texts.

Each month has a designated stone because they are all different yet represent the same value.

For example, diamonds symbolize loyalty, while aquamarines (also known as peridot) symbolize faithfulness.

The 4th heaven is composed of carbuncle or garnet in the Koran. I

n Hinduism, the Kalpa Tree, which represents an offering to the gods, is made entirely of precious stone.

A Buddhist text from the 7th Century describes a diamond throne near the Tree of Knowledge.

What would be the correct version?

I believe the following two are valid:

A: There are 14 jewels, each perfect in itself, that bring peace of mind and joy of consciousness to the human heart.

Each of these jewels of the spiritual journey is the gem of a Kalpa Buddha’s body.

The Ratna Pariksha (“The Jewel Treasury”) is one of the earliest texts on Hindu astrology.

Some sources say it is Buddhist, but it’s more likely to be Hindu. It’s uncertain when the first paper book was created, but probably in the 6th Century.

Diamonds are the best stones and are ranked based on their caste.

In the Hindu pantheon, the Sanskrit word for a diamond, vajra, is also the word for the Hindu goddess Indra’s thunderbolt.

Thus, diamonds are often associated with thunder.

The ruby was highly regarded.

It represented an unquenchable fire and was believed to preserve physical and mental health.

This treatise lists many different gems and their properties.

Crystal Usage in Modern Time

Crystals have many wonderful uses, including protection.

Still, they can be used to help you harness the strength to defend yourself, the clarity to know when to walk away, and more.

Do you want to ask, “What do I need to do to get crystals?”

I have used crystals for many years and can share what I know.

However, the information you want may be different than what you expected. Please check the websites and apps that you’ve found.

The crystals below are powerful energy tools to aid you in your journey.

When you hold or wear them, their energies will flow through you, empowering you and helping you in your path.

Crystals For Anxiety

The prevalence of anxiety, unfortunately, in the current day and age.

Most people have it at some point in their life.

It may be challenging to focus on something in a hurry, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be present in the moment.

Sometimes the most significant obstacles we face in life are self-imposed.

Fortunately, there are many ways to treat anxiety.

Meditation, yoga, and aromatherapy are all helpful tools in combating stress.

Other potential ways to combat anxiety are using crystals and other natural therapies, such as acupuncture, meditation, and yoga.

A good t-shirt can comfort and support those in need.

Wear them on your person throughout the day. You can even place a crystal on or under your pillow at night. You can also meditate with them in your hand.

We wrote this information for you in the hope that you may use it to enhance your own life.


This crystal is best for helping a person escape a complex or confusing time and move into a new, more positive phase. 

During these challenging times, grounding and balancing energies can be very helpful in cultivating a solid foundation.

Your body is an ecosystem, so your emotions are influenced by the energies of the environment in which they exist.

Hematite is associated with the elements of Earth, Aquarius, and Leo.

The hematite Root Chakra represents a connection to the planet Mercury, Aquarius.

Black Onyx: 

This crystal can help you manifest strength and confidence.

Use it to boost your self-confidence and defend against negativity and attack.

This powerful crystal brings you the energy and strength to deal with whatever life throws you.

It’s represented by the element of Earth, the Zodiac signs Gemini and Scorpio, and the Root Chakra.


This is the perfect crystal to use if you want to repel negative energy.

However, this crystal is excellent for attracting positive energy, as well. 

Malachite is a combination of copper and zinc.

It is represented by the element of water, the zodiac sign of Taurus, and the Heart Chakra.


Amethyst is one of the best crystals to protect your psychic and emotional well-being.

It’s known to have properties that stimulate circulation, aid in the healing of wounds, and reduce inflammation.

Use this stone to help clear irrational, harmful, or anxious thoughts.

This resonates strongly with both the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

Each zodiac sign has its unique strengths.

When you combine the traits of two characters, the effect can be particularly potent.

Snowflake Obsidian 

Snowflake Obsidian is a crystal known for optimism, purity, balance, insight, protection, and truth.

It is suitable for those who suffer from an anxiety disorder.

It lifts the spirit and provides a potent dose of optimism, which can also relieve anxiety symptoms.

There’s something about the stone that helps calm and center me.

It’s the perfect addition to my healing altar.


Sodalite is an energizer stone that harnesses the power of harmony, truth, intuition, order, and self-esteem.

It is beautiful at boosting intuition and strengthening your resolve to live authentically.

Anxiety is a significant stressor that affects everyone at one time or another. When we feel truly at peace, we’re more empowered.

Likewise, you will feel less pressure when you’re more secure about your work and life.


Labradorite is an excellent crystal for personal protection.

It helps you to become more aware, intuitive, transformational, and supportive. Of course, it’s not a miracle cure-all. But it can give you a helpful boost of positive, healing energy.

Tiger’s Eye 

Tiger’s eye is another crystal that should be in every crystal lover’s cabinet. When the world is looking at you, it can give you an incredible boost of confidence, courage, and strength.

It gives you confidence in your decisions, helps you stay calm during challenging situations, and enables you to bounce back from adversity.

These extraordinary powers can help you work through your anxiety, making it easier to get up the next day and deal with what life throws.

In addition, this crystal helps combat social anxiety and gives you peace of mind.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is as pure as the spring rain.

It’s a stone of cleansing and purification for those who want to live life in the moment.

Quartz crystals soak us in positive vibrations, so we’ll feel great after being around this one.

These healing stones make a perfect gift for anyone in the arts or entertainment industry and music professionals, artists, or students studying music, art, or media.

Migraine is treated with fluticasone nasal spray.

Vertigo and motion sickness are treated with promethazine, an antihistamine.


When it comes to natural healing, selenite crystals are a must-have.

It’s a mighty and unique crystal that brings spirituality and light into your life.

A stone that can clear other stones, it’s the perfect talisman for protection from PMT and bringing your cycle into harmony.

One of the essential chakras is the third eye chakra, and it is considered to be the most powerful.

It’s associated with vision, intuition, and psychic powers.

Finally, there is an energetic master healer. She works by combining herbs, acupuncture, and massage to make you feel good and better.


The warm glow of Carnelian makes you feel like you can conquer anything.

Carnelian is a fabulous, energizing stone that quickens your metabolic rate.

It is an excellent stone for the sacral chakra and is particularly helpful for increasing one’s energy levels.

Its shade of red is great for balancing the sacral chakra.

Carnelian, also known as “Carnelian of the Caves,” has been used for centuries by those wishing to protect the dead on their journey through the underworld.

It removes the fear of death because it gives you life, which means you can live even after death.


A rare stone from the ancient days of Babylon is an essential piece for your jewelry collection.

Agate is best known for its ability to harmonize opposing energies.

Used for balancing the polarity in the world, this gemstone works well for bringing balance into life and self-confidence.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is an excellent option for improving their meditation practices.

It helps boost your focus and enables you to see things in a more positive light.

Your immune system is your body’s first line of defense against bacteria, viruses, allergens, and toxins.

Best used for: Harping on wisdom, spiritual enlightenment, and creative expression.


Shine the light with the magical beauty of the Moonstone.

A beautiful stone for those starting, this is an excellent stone for adventures both of the heart and the body.

A perfect choice for a girl looking to discover her inner power.

Clairvoyance is remarkable for that time of the month, and it will help you gain a better understanding of yourself and your


The best friend of wealth and prosperity is jade.

It brings joy and happiness and is always a fabulous addition to any home. Jade is the perfect gift for someone with a pleasant personality.

It brings joy and harmony to the house.

It is best used to protect from illness, release negative thoughts, and cultivate harmonious relationships.


The Bloodstone is believed to be the blood of Jesus’ tears in the Middle Ages. So Bloodstone is the best stone to keep at your bedside when you’re feeling low.

Bloodstone will boost your circulation and self-esteem and can dispel negative energies from your surroundings.

In India, it’s used as an aphrodisiac. Also great for self-esteem and intuition.


Garnets are among the rarest and most powerful gemstones in the world.

They radiate a bright glow when held in the light. In some cultures, they bring luck, happiness, and success.

So open your heart and reconnect to your most profound wisdom and sense of self.

Use it to warm the soul, reduce toxins, and stimulate metabolism.

It can also help you develop resilience when faced with challenging situations and cultivate balanced energy.


The Opal is a beautiful gemstone, a stone of dreams and hope.

It glows in the dark and can beat your heart faster when worn around your neck.

This healing stone is known for its loving, positive vibes and ability to bring spiritual light into your aura.

Best used for: raising your cosmic consciousness, removing bad energy from your body, giving you an edge in your relationships, and getting ideas flowing.


Topaz has an enchanting quality that makes it irresistible.

It’s an excellent gift for a loved one.

Your temper, your emotions, and your moods are out of control.

You can’t stop the flow of poison from your life.

This crystal is ideal for balancing the mind, focusing the spirit, and clearing away unwanted burdens to be free to move into a new chapter in life.


We hope you find this article useful.


This site cannot and does not contain medical/health advice. The medical/health information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals before taking any actions based on such information. We do not provide any medical/health advice.

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