
7 Ways to Activate Your Money Chakras and Make More Money


Money chakras are powerful. 

Just as we are all born with a body and skeletal system, our chakras also form an anatomy. 

The balance between yin-yang energies permits one progressive passage from duality toward nonduality– a seamless journey where every experience becomes part of who you are.

The energy of your financial situation can be related to all seven significant points in the body.

Each represents aspects that you deal with in relationship-building around money or finances. 

  1. Root Chakra

    The root chakra is related to the need for safety and security. It’s a part of our survival instinct, which drives us into fight or flight mode when we feel endangered.

    Or even just feeling as though there’s no guarantee that those around you will be safe at any moment. 

    Because life can change quickly due to its unpredictable nature.

  2. Sacral Chakra

    The sacral Chakra is the source of your creativity and play. 

    It’s also connected to how you feel about saving money so that it may be time for some Socratic spending! 

    Your sacral Chakra is activated when you are in a playful and creative state. This means that it’s time for some fun with money!

    When this energy becomes active, your desire to save your money is substantial.

    It might lead you to build an emergency fund or start one if you have never done so.

  3. Solar Plexus Chakra

    When the solar plexus is strong, so are you.

    The power of this area comes from within and can help with everything related to your finances.

    Such as managing money wisely, handling debts responsibly, or…

    Avoiding them altogether by making intelligent decisions on how much debtors should take out to not overburden themselves later down the line when interest rates go up again! 

    Keeping an eye on retirement savings also becomes more accessible, primarily because age 60 seems too early for most people. 

    Still, even if our lives only last till seventy-five (or 65), these few extra years could make a huge difference.

  4. Heart Chakra

    The heart chakra is the center of our emotional lives, and it’s oriented toward giving and receiving money. 

    Chiropractors say that people with a solid financial orientation live more intensely than those without this drive.

    They also seem inclined to spend extra funds on themselves (or their loved ones).

    It makes sense then how chiropractor offices always seem so well-stocked with luxury items!

  5. Throat Chakra

    When we talk about the throat chakra, money talks. 

    This is because it’s all about trusting yourself and others when they come to you with a request or offer for payment. 

    Whether these are people in your family members, friends, coworkers, or business partners to do something that benefits themselves at our expense. 

  6. Brow Chakra

    When the brow chakra is in balance, you feel like your presence is enough and have all that’s needed for a healthy lifestyle.

    The eyes are often referred to as “the windows of our soul” because they allow people access to another person’s thoughts or feelings.

    But what about when those ports-of entry become blocked?

    When we’re feeling low on energy (or any other resource), it can make sense why some might avoid looking at themselves in mirrors.

    If I don’t want this version ____, why should others care?!

    The key here lies in understanding how strong self-esteem truly is.

  7. Crown Chakra

    The crown chakra is about your ability to feel like you have everything necessary in life.

    Whether it be money or other resources, this area of energy concerns itself with what can best fill up any lack within our beings.

    Both physically and emotionally emptied tanks are not suitable for anything!

    On a more personal level, though…

    I’ve found myself constantly feeling anxious when my bank account isn’t robust enough because there will always seems like something left wanting.

    No matter how much wealth surrounds me- internally or externally, I’m never satisfied.

7 Ways to Activate Your Money Chakras.

  1. Activate Your Root Chakra “Muladhara”

    The voice of your root chakra is a powerful and focused force that can be used for good or bad.

    So it’s crucial to balance the rest of our bodies with what this deep-rooted energy center says about safety, love, work ethic, and finances.

    Because it speaks directly into those aspects on an emotional level, we needn’t rely solely upon logic when addressing these issues!

    The root chakra is often the first to go out of balance.

    This can make a person restless, focused on negativity, and fearful that they won’t make it through each day alive.

    The inner critic will tell you things like:

    “I am not safe.”

    It might also say something about money or your family life.

    If this sounds familiar, don’t worry because we need only listen closely for its messages, so those worries don’t consume who lives anymore!

    You cannot afford to keep your root chakra out of balance.

    Suppose you are not confident in making money or at least consistently and confidently doing what it is.

    In that case, that makes up most of the things for which you need a paycheck.

    There will be stress on all levels sooner rather than later- from both an emotional perspective and physical symptoms like heart palpitations and difficulty breathing.

    I know how hard this can seem sometimes, but by taking care of our basic needs while working towards achieving happiness through whatever means possible (including giving ourselves time off).

    Deal with the negative thoughts and emotional pain so you can feel safe in your success.

    The more we focus on our “higher self,” the less they will burden us because their guidance comes from within ourselves rather than outside forces or other people’s expectations of how things should go.

    Once this happens, it becomes easier to listen closely when that inner voice speaks up again!

    Discover how you can activate your internal “Wealth DNA” to attract money to you effortlessly

  2. Activate Your Sacral Chakra “Svadhisthana”

    The sacral Chakra relates to desires, pleasure, and creativity.

    The voice of this third Chakra often tells you how great it would be if only _____ were different or more expansive than what they currently manifest within their life!

    Sometimes these voices will take on an angry tone.

    Telling us, we can’t do anything right even though deep down inside all know there’s plenty worth celebrating about themselves already.”

    The sacral Chakra is the seat of inner peace, security, and stability.

    When it’s out of balance, you may lack confidence in your ability to save money (or at least keep it consistently).

    In an overactive state, however, saving every penny becomes more important than enjoying what we have accomplished today – even if that means not buying anything new!

    Earing about this makes sense because everything starts falling inside us when there isn’t enough energy going into our lives from all four corners.

    Mind-heart confusion sets in, followed by feelings of isolation, eventually leading to heart blockage.’

    Help your inner critic go away and make room for the higher self.

    This will allow you to effortlessly shift into someone worthy, good at saving money and enjoying life more than they spend it.

    And can pay down debt while using their resources sparingly.

    The next time a difficult situation arises in relationships or business partnerships, be aware that this may not always be comfortable.

    Still, it’s worth working through together.

    Because we can take control of our lives when given support by others.

    Based on how well-balanced things are between upsets and mutual sustenance from one another based on positive experiences throughout conflicts settled without blaming either party.

    How you can activate your internal “Wealth DNA” to attract money to you effortlessly

  3. Activate Your Solar Plexus Chakra “Manipura”

    Your Solar Plexus Chakra is the seat of your emotional intelligence, where you store all beliefs about yourself.

    Being out of balance in this charka can result from an under activity or overactivity related to achieving goals.

    These messages tell us that we need more support for our efforts and less critical inner dialogue, which tells us things like “I am uncertain.”

    Your solar plexus chakra is the seat of your abdomen’s digestive fire.

    When it becomes out-of-balance, you may experience a lack of confidence around how to manage money – or at least consistently and confidently while doing what makes up most enjoyable for yourself.

    I can’t tell you about being broke all over again.

    But if there are any worries that this could happen, then don’t worry too much. Because we’ve experienced some tough finances lately, hopefully now, these days will be different!

    The first step to managing your money is getting the “hostile” financial critic (or ABS) under control.

    This means we need help from our higher self so that they say things like: “I’m certain and powerful.”

    I need to ask lots of questions when learning something new.

    Because it demonstrates capability; also, awareness about what one wants out of life makes creation easy by simply following through with positive thoughts every day until manifestation becomes a reality!

    And finally feeling good enough, which isn’t always the case.

    How you can activate your internal “Wealth DNA” to attract money to you effortlessly

  4. Activate Your Heart Chakra “Anahata”

    Your heart Chakra is the center of love and emotions, so when it’s out of balance, you may experience difficulties in your relationships with others.

    This can result in feelings such as envy or codependency.

    Wherein one person has an excessive need for emotional support from other people while denying themselves needed resources like money.

    They’re afraid that if something goes wrong, then these loved ones won’t want them anymore.

    How your heart feels about your worth can affect how much money goes into the bank account.

    When it’s out of balance, it could stem from feeling like no one appreciates all you do or have accomplished.

    And so without any confidence in yourself when trying to get paid well for work.

    So naturally, you’ll make less effort than necessary to get compensated somewhat, which leads directly back down an even more dangerous path.

    Disappointed with everything!

    You must first learn how to control your hostile money critic so that the voice inside you says, “I am loved and fully appreciated for being myself.”

    People are always doing their best; they can’t help it!

    Then, you feel compassion when looking at yourself in a mirror.

    Because deep down, we all want what’s best.

    To be happy with ourselves no matter how bad things got or will become again soon enough (especially after some time has passed).

    Others may hurt us sometimes, but if something about them made sense during those moments, then maybe forgiving each person would make sense too.

    How you can activate your internal “Wealth DNA” to attract money to you effortlessly

  5. Activate Your Throat Chakra “Vishuddha”

    The throat chakra is the key to self-confidence and peace.

    When it’s blocked, you may feel insecure or introverted; when unblocked, the flow of your energy becomes more confident with itself and others (including those around us).

    Furthermore, you’ll find that trusting yourself grows exponentially in this state.

    It can affect how much time & effort one spends on one project vs. other things, like the quality of one hour per day doing something meaningful instead.

    The “inner critic” has many different messages depending upon what area(s) are dominant: talking too much/being aggressive? Investing money wisely?! Etc…

    Confidence is a huge factor in protecting and growing your money.

    When the throat Chakra isn’t balanced, it can often stem from not feeling confident about investing.

    Or saving consistently for yourself when you’re doing what brings out your best self most days of the week.

     Meanwhile, suppose we have too much confidence as an issue.

    In that case, our finances might suffer because there won’t be enough discipline to manage them well over time.

    You need to remind yourself that:

    You are a unique and amazing person.

    You have so much potential that you may be surprised!

    However, suppose your money is running scared of some hostile critic in the backseat.

    In that case, it will never reach its full potential.

    Because this “higher self” doesn’t feel confident about revealing itself to others or taking care of investing funds with professionals who include them during decision-making processes.

    While also caring sensitively towards what individuals need most at different stages throughout life’s journey.

    How you can activate your internal “Wealth DNA” to attract money to you effortlessly

  6. Activate Your Third Eye Chakra “Anja”

    The third eye chakra is the seat of intuition and allows you to see beyond what’s in front.

    When it feels blocked, we can feel stuck or couch potatoes because our minds focus on problems rather than growth opportunities!

    You continuously operate from uncertainty and fear if your third eye chakra is out-of-balance.

    You may feel that you have become so invested in the problem-solving process that it has replaced any intuition or creativity, but at what cost?

    As with all things spiritual, there’s no wrong answer when balancing this crucial keystone center for self-discovery!

    Balance is everything, and when the brow chakra goes out of alignment, it can hugely impact how you live your life.

    The feeling that we’re not often enough stems from low self-confidence or insecurity about what our lives could’ve been.

    Like if something had happened differently in childhood where there were missed opportunities for growth due to circumstances beyond control (i..e abuse).

    When this happens, feelings turn into thoughts that lead us down an unhappy path until they eventually lead back again.

    Because at least then, these negative emotions feel familiar rather than foreign; however, once they become a constant companion.

    It is time you stopped struggling with your mind and started listening to what it has been trying to tell you.

    We all have a part of us that wants nothing more than peace.

    Still, sometimes we can’t find the words or understand their meaning.

    Because they arise from an area deep inside our minds where no one else resides-the seat of intuition!

    You don’t need any external validation for this message about enough already existing; tune into those feelings starting today…

    How you can activate your internal “Wealth DNA” to attract money to you effortlessly

  7. Activate Your Crown Chakra “Sahasrara”

    The Crown Chakra is the home of your spiritual self.

    It serves as a connection between ourselves, God, or Earth’s energy source (known scientifically as “the microbiome”), our emotional selves.

    Feeling disconnected from yourself due to an imbalance here can happen for many reasons.

    Including feeling like you’re failing at life even though things may be going well around us; having doubts about whether this path was meant for me.

    It’s no wonder that when the crown chakra is out of balance, it often stems from feeling like you cannot have all you want in life and business (or at least separated).

    Receiving what we most desire makes sense because if nothing else gives us joy, then eventually disappointment will set into each part:

    mind-body relationship with self and relationships outside ourselves.

    “The first step is to help get your hostile money critic under control so that your ‘higher self says, “I am abundant.”

    “One” becomes two…and now we’re talking!

    The key word here: is expansion.

    As in all things….the Universe wants us to grow into our fullest expression of Self-awareness possible- which means you need some severe compassion on tap too.

    It’s time for you to start listening again and believing what we’re telling you instead of doubting every word from your mouth.

    Because there are two things in this world: nothing but love (and happiness); if only YOU would let it happen! 

    We know how difficult these last few months or years have been.

    They’ve really put a strain on everything- emotions/energy levels, especially with all those flare-ups happening at once, which made controlling them near impossible without medication. 

    How you can activate your internal “Wealth DNA” to attract money to you effortlessly

  8. I hope you find this article useful and helpful in activating your money chakras.


    Mackie Moore 

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