
7 Simple Ways To Get Money Flowing Again by Unblocking Your Chakras


Is the coming recession triggered money worries?

Suppose you track the issue to its corresponding chakra.

In that case, you can clear your financial challenges and take simple, prescribed steps to prosper.

Many of us are worrying about the recession.

It’s causing new concerns about money.

When it comes to finances, one of the most significant obstacles people face is debt.

Uncovering your financial challenges allows you to identify the chakras where you are holding a blockage.

Chakras are subtle energy organs that hold information about you.

Seven in-body chakras are anchored in the spine, each managing specific sets of physical, psychological, and spiritual functions.

Every chakra, however, carries your memories, concerns, and programs about money.

That’s true.

We need money to buy food, shelter, transportation, clothing, education, health care, and more.

Have you ever taken someone out on a date without having any money? It’s not the case!)

One chakra holds and governs your financial issues, and that chakra varies from person to person.

Take this simple quiz to discover which chakra houses your significant financial issue.

Each of the seven statements below has one for each of the seven chakras.

Choose the one that is most descriptive of you.

Learn how to align yourself with the universe and unlock the power of your inner authority.

Chakra Financial Quiz

Read all seven statements and pick the answer that best completes the following statement.

The greatest challenge I face when I’m under financial stress is that:

  1. I think I will lose everything.
  2. I feel restless, and nothing can make me feel happy.
  3. I can’t help but am constantly clouded with negative thoughts.
  4. I am worried that all my relationships will fail.
  5. I cannot focus on getting a single task done.
  6. I cannot form an action plan to get out of my current mess.
  7. I can no longer hear voices from my higher self.

Unblock Your Chakra For Financial Solutions

If your financial issue falls into your physical or mental chakra, read this chapter first.

You have chosen your numerical equivalent, corresponding to the chakra you have the most difficulty dealing with.

Your core value words are shown next to the chakra number.

For example, this paragraph shows you what your “I” (intuition) and “I” (intellect) are.

The following section provides a step-by-step plan to help you get in touch with the energy of the chakras and bring new solutions to your most challenging problems.

Statement 1

Your Chakra One Needs Physical Security.

You’re a security risk because you base your sense of safety on objects, substances, and guaranteed money flow.

It is tough to understand that the initial ideas are not solid. Financial stress leads to fear.

You feel helpless in the face of your debt.

Use this exercise to increase your power, gain more money, and create more abundance.

Do it once a day for a week, and think about something you own.

Track your life’s opportunities, ideas, and connections. Write it down on paper or put it into an excel spreadsheet.

To see is to believe.

The more you track, the more secure you’ll feel.

This creates a positive loop to feel yourself from your insecurity.

When the week is over, ask yourself:

How did I get this material item or money into my life?

Always have an idea about what you need, what you’re willing to pay for it, what you can get it for, and go for it.

Statement 2

Your Chakra Two Needs Emotional Stability.

Life is all about feelings.

Whether we are sad, happy, angry, or anything in between, we should try to find an If your rainbow expression of feelings begins and ends with joy, you are good to go.

You’ll never run out of solutions.

You’ll come up with a way to make money from any situation.

You’ll feel depressed or stressed when you meditate or start a project.

Don’t let it get to you!

Get back into your creativity groove by writing down ideas you’ve never had.

Practice: Stop when you’re overwhelmed with a complex feeling.

Joy is an important emotion that will help you recover from sadness, grief, and unhappiness.

This article advises that if you follow its advice, you’ll return to pleasure and emotional and financial stability.

Your fear will tell you to act.

Sadness suggests a more profound way of being loved or loving.

Anger requires you to stand up for yourself.

If you don’t, you’ll suffer the consequences.

To do more of what you’re doing, do the opposite.

Statement 3

Your Chakra Three Needs Mental Clarity.

You’ll be your productive, prosperous self if your thoughts are positive.

You’ll analyze, project manage, and act.

You’ll forget that truth is always optimistic.

This exercise will help you: get back into problem-solving mode after you’ve been distracted by the thoughts in your head.

To experience the power of manifestation, write down seven affirmations reflecting higher truths about abundance.

Focus on one thing at a time, and then refocus your mind when it begins to doubt.

This includes using the words “I am” and “I am worthy of.”

An example might be, “I am magnetizing money.” Speaking it aloud could help you reinforce the positive feeling to give your mental clarity.

Try it =)

Statement 4

Your Chakra Four Needs Relationship Balance.

When you focus on love, you can manifest the things you want.

You become wealthy.

Financial stressors can cause some people to become unlovable, but you can solve these issues.

Love is the most incredible power.

Then you can shut down your heart and ability to receive abundance.

This exercise is for you if you want to use training to remain balanced and keep your checkbook in order.

Practice: Cultivate healthy self-love for seven whole days.

Put some effort into making your posture and overall appearance as professional as possible.

Then decide that you’ll look people in the eyes and give them a firm handshake.

People will like you more and give you more gifts if you treat them with respect.

And they’ll treat you better when you return the favor.

Then, three times a day, envision the pink, loving energy of unconditional love streaming into the back of your fourth chakra, located in the upper mid-back.

Your love will fill your heart, heartache, and passion, drawing out all kinds of blessings.

Statement 5

Your Chakra Five Needs Communication Flow.

Learn, talk, read, sing, write, and be open to spiritual guidance—that’s what you do when you’re an intuitive empath (aka chakra empath).

Then a financial demon gets you, and you wonder what you’re doing wrong.

You may not know what else to do if you feel wrong about something.

Instead of blaming yourself, look for information that will help you find solutions.

Return to your “prosperous process.”

Every day for a week, rise and decide to shine.

You can talk with your inner wise voice or Higher Power.

This conversation may take some time, but it will guide you in determining which direction to go in your business.

Get advice from higher-ups regarding your financial problems during the day.

Here’s a question: What shows up?

A radio song, a phrase from a book, a billboard note, a license plate letter, or perhaps an intuitive thought. You should pay attention to these signs from the Universe and get guidance from them.

Statement 6

Your Chakra Six Needs Strategic Planning.

Two distinct parts exist inside the 6th chakra.

First, it reflects your true self.

When you use your profound insights and clairvoyance (ability to see psychically) from this space, you will always hit your target.

You’ll develop a step-by-step manifestation plan. And there’s the “sad self.

This exercise is designed to help you find out what’s going on in your life—you might need to take action to improve a situation or relationship, get over a breakup, lose weight, or get more rest.

Google every image of yourself that you can find, and then make sure that they run in the correct order, so you end up with the idea that’s the most authentic of you.

You can select as many activities, colors, and success suits as you like.

They don’t matter.

Make a collage using your photos and take a picture.

Take a good look at this picture when you focus on money the following week.

And it will help you develop great financial strategies for the next week.

Statement 7

Your Chakra Seven Needs Spiritual Connectivity.

For you, it’s all about spiritual growth.

You could pray, meditate, or think about things that inspire you daily.

Unity is the opposite of duality.

The more united and connected you become, the less likely you’ll get stuck in the ego mind and the ego body.

Use this exercise to remember your spiritual reconnection.

Practice: It’s time to take the next step in your life.

You have a great week coming up.

You will pray or meditate, ask questions or be invited, and contemplate or enjoy your relationship with God.

There are many different ways to share your finances with Oneness.

Whatever method works for you is best.

Think and say anything during the next two days.

You might receive a particular answer from a group of people.

You might even get several.

In the days to come, you will sense that Oneness more and more clearly.

Finally, in the last chapter, put it all together.

Invest in your divine connection, and you’ll find handling your finances more manageable.

I believe in you.



P.S: Discover the code to activate your internal “Wealth DNA” and manifest money fast.

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