
5 Reasons Why Your Manifestation Isn’t Working (And How to Fix It)


Imagine this. You’ve done everything you could.

You practice gratitude, meditation, and rehearse affirmations, and your manifestation isn’t working.

Why is that?

Worst still, you see everyone around you posting about the miracle they receive on social media. Yet, you don’t see anything at all!

The stress and anxiety make you question if you’ve done anything wrong. 

In this article, you’ll learn why your manifestation isn’t working and what you can do to fix that!

The quick answer to why the Law of Attraction isn’t working in your favor is you may have some Inner Resistance, Energy Blockage that is yet to be cleared; therefore, your manifestation isn’t showing. For manifestation to work, you must align your thoughts with the reality you want to create.

Number 1 – Inner Resistance 

Yes, inner resistance is the number one manifestation block that prevents you from getting what you want. 

“But I’ve been thinking about my dreams every day. How can this create any inner resistance?”

Dear one, this is precisely the thought that creates inner resistance.

Think about a dream that you’ve been thinking about all day long. And I want you to assess your feeling.

Mainly the feeling of not being able to manifest your dream into your reality yet.

Do you feel empowered? Or do you feel stressed out?

For most people, thinking about a manifestation yet to become a reality can be a very draining experience that will lead to stress and anxiety. 

Therefore, a simple solution to fix it will be using the power of reinterpretation. 

It’s effortless to do.

The next time you feel a negative thought is coming. 

Use the power of reinterpretation to reframe the situation from negative to positive.

For example, if you’re expecting a job promotion but haven’t got it. 

Tell yourself that everything is manifesting in divine timing, I (you) deserve the promotion, and I will give my best at work because I know my excellent work performance will help me get there. 

The key is to change up the story’s narrative purposefully and replace the feeling of fear with the feeling of love.

Love is the frequency to help you unlock more abundance. Try it.

Number 2 – Your Subconscious Mind 

This is the follow-up Manifestation Block that’s related to the previous block. 

The scary part is that sometimes we don’t realize we’ve been sabotaging our manifestation until we pay attention to our inner trigger.

What do I mean by that?

Now, let me give you a scenario to help you understand it better.

One trigger word that used makes me angry is the word partnership. 

Whenever I hear the word partnership, I will start to feel irritated and frustrated if someone tries to talk to me about a partnership because I had a failed partnership that was bombed severely.

I wasn’t aware until a close friend brought that up and made me realize this self-sabotaging behavior. I later found out that it’s something called PTSD.

You might have an inner trigger that is different from mine. And most of the time, our subconscious mind will activate the trigger to protect us from harm. 

A simple way to stop our self-sabotaging behavior is to confront the trigger when it happens. 

Next time a person, word, or situation triggers you. Ask yourself why you got angry and remind yourself that a past experience doesn’t equate to a future experience. And slowly work towards removing the trigger.

This is powerful, especially if you have had a failed manifestation before. Remember that sometimes the Universe sends the right manifestation at the wrong timing (or vice versa) for us to learn a valuable lesson to receive a bigger and better manifestation.

I have developed a quiz called The Vibration Type Quiz to help you recognize your vibration type to manifest more effectively. You can check it out here.

Number 3 – Your Feelings 

You Attract What You Are. 

Let that sink in. The law of attraction works in both ways. 

If you’re sad, you’re likely to attract similar events or situations into your life because like attracts like. (you might already hear this many times)

Remember, everything in the Universe is made of energy. 

And the exact circumstances of your life depend entirely on your ability to think and feel in alignment with what you truly want.

Meaning thinking positively alone will not help if you’re generally a person who gives up quickly when you don’t get what you want. 

This is not your fault. 

You just need to shift your priority from focusing on the things you want. Into becoming the person who can attract things. And see the magic happen.

Example: A chef will cook the best food no matter what tools and ingredients he has at any given moment. They will not let the lack of tools or ingredients stop them from cooking the best food because they ARE the best chef.

Therefore, align your vibrational frequency with what you want to attract by managing your emotions, setting expectations, and becoming the person you want to become. 

Then, faith it until you make it.

 And see your manifestation come to fruition. 

Number 4 – Your Attachment 

Anger, frustration, and sadness are not your enemies. 

However, we’re attached to concepts like self, truth, and goodness. 

When we attach ourselves to these concepts, pain follows. 

We hang onto relationships, experiences, the “old us,” ideas of who we dream of being, and objects that mean something to us. We hold onto things for a perfect reason. 

Letting go of them is difficult. In other words, there’s a time and place for everything, and we must learn to deal with each of them effectively and appropriately.

To get more detached and to be more present, you’ll need first to understand what attachment means, how it works, and why it’s essential. 

The next time you have a strong feeling, a great emotion, or the excitement of anticipation, pause, stop and enjoy that feeling and the sensations that are stirring in your body. 

To fully experience the moment, to be with it and love that feeling, know that those moments will change and your emotions will disappear. 

And when things get tough, keep rolling, and you’ll get back up. 

You’ll feel the pain but know it’s only temporary, and you’ll use that awareness to help you survive. 

We all get angry at times, and if we pay attention, we can recognize the emotion. 

As I previously stated, let go of your experience and become free. 

You don’t have to grasp the situation, pull it apart, attach meaning to it, and try to push it away or fuel its fire.

Number 5 – Your Wants 

This might seem obvious, but you can’t manifest positive change when you’re unsure what you want.

Clarity is essential, but you can have it now. You’ll need time to develop it if you do not have it.

Maybe you’re not ready to decide on a career path, where you want to live, or what you plan to accomplish.

That’s good. You can still have a positive life for yourself, even if you haven’t got your life figured out.

Sometimes we get overwhelmed with the idea of manifestation and what it means to us. As a result, we can feel frustrated or confused about why certain things haven’t manifested.

Start creating clarity around what you want to create. When you’re clear, your experience gets more transparent and more effortless.

Our thoughts are powerful. By having good intentions, you will attract more of what you want.

When you are clear in your thoughts and emotions, it allows your manifestation to come through.

When you feel happy, strong, and positive, you can consciously manifest any success you need.

Dear one, you deserve success just as much as your friends and family do.

If you pay attention to your thoughts, you can see something out of alignment and immediately change your thought process to the positive. 

This will help you stay grounded and clear, regardless of what you are thinking about at the moment.

Negative feelings, thoughts, and emotions can drain our energy and keep us from being able to think clearly. However, we feel more optimistic about life when we release negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions.


In summary, I hope you find this article helpful, and I hope you can clear your manifestation block to see your desires come to fruition.

Take baby steps. I am rooting for you.

Lastly, don’t forget to join your newsletter and stay updated with future articles.



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