
5 Potent Signs Your Manifestation Is Close (And How to Spot Them)


How do you know that your manifestation is near?

If you are ready to manifest, you will probably already feel it.

The first thing that happens when you align with what you want is a feeling of peace and calm.

This is because you are now in an energetic state where everything is aligned for you to manifest your desires.

You may have felt this feeling but were unaware of it.

If you feel this feeling, you can know that you are getting closer to your manifestation.

Another way to know if you are ready is to notice how you feel when you have a clear vision of what you want.

When you get into the feeling of knowing exactly what you want and how you will get it, your energy gets excited.

This is because your body knows that the manifestation is happening.

You are not yet ready to manifest if you do not feel this feeling.

So the next time you get that feeling, you should start thinking about what you want.

#1 Losses

Contrary to what most people think, if you’re experiencing losses, it’s a solid sign that your manifestation is close.

Let me explain.

The old must go and make way for new manifestation to enter.

We are a bit like that, too, you know.

We don’t want to let anything go.

We want to hold on to the past and hang on to it as long as possible.

Only when we have let go of our old ways can we move on and start anew.

In today’s world, there is always a new beginning and way to do things where you can simply google or youtube anything.

We must be open to this and not get stuck in our ways.

The old must go and make way for new manifestation to enter.

Don’t panic.

Go with the flow and let new things come into your life.

You will find that if you give yourself time, everything will sort itself out.

Sometimes it is easier to stay with what is familiar than to take a risk and try something new.

But if you stick with it, you will eventually find your way.

If you don’t have confidence, ask for help.

Seek a mentor or ask someone you trust to guide you through the process.

In the end, the only thing you can control is yourself.

You can’t control what other people think or how they behave.

#2 Unexpected Requests

The second surefire sign that your manifestation is coming is when you will receive odd requests. 

What do I mean by that?

Say you’re applying for a new job and send your resume to the shortlisted companies.

So you’re getting a head hunter to keep a lookout for a position you’re looking for.

Then one day, your friend calls you up and tells you that their friend is looking for a person who can take up the role as the person in charge is leaving due to personal issues.

Even though this is totally out of context and unrelated to your job-searching activities, your heart is telling you something might manifest for you and urges you to heed your friend’s call and check out what they offer.

Who knows, maybe the dream job, the soulmate you’re looking for, is ahead.

This is what I mean by unexpected requests.

The Universe is guiding you.

And the Universe is constantly on the lookout to help make your manifestation a reality. But sometimes, it might come in unexpected ways or forms.

And when you get some odd requests out of nowhere, your intuition tells you to try it.

It means something is going to happen to you for your manifestation.

So you need to pay attention to signs and ask for divine guidance from your spirit guide or angel.

And sift through the opportunity and validate if it’s indeed the manifestation you’re looking for.

#3 Signs and Synchronicity 

The third surefire sign that your manifestation is near is when you start getting the tingling sensation or random thoughts that catch your attention, which could be your inner voice.

Dear one, we don’t only exist in the physical realm.

Remember that we are spiritual being having a human experience.

The tingling sensation is how our higher self is trying to communicate with us and make us aware of something.

This tingling or random thought will bring to your attention a reflection of something you’ve wanted to manifest.

It could be a thought of someone, an idea, a feeling, a dream, or an action.

Whatever you want to create, it’s a sure sign that it’s time to get your manifestation on.

Feel the energy and understand what it signifies to you.

And find traits to confirm your intuition.

If you can feel the positive vibration, then it’s time to act and take some action to manifest it.

You have to be willing to believe that you deserve it and visualize yourself already living your dream.

You’ll discover that if you keep your consciousness elevated, you’ll attract things into your life that align with who you are.

Doing this makes it much easier to manifest what you desire.

The more you practice this skill, the faster and easier it will become.

#4 Adversity

The fourth sign your manifestation is near is when you experience adversity.

Dear one, you manifest what you are.

The Universe will challenge you to see if you’re worthy of the manifestation.

What does it mean to be worthy of something?

It means that you have done your part and are ready for what’s next.

It’s not always easy to understand, but that doesn’t matter.

There’s a process to follow and a way to keep going.

What are your fears about manifesting?

Fear is the most common emotion that stops us from taking action and living the life we want.

For example, you’ll never step into the dating world if you fear rejection.

You won’t take a chance on a new relationship if you fear being alone.

If you fear getting fired, then you’ll never leave your job.

If you have a fear, it will stop you from being your best self.

The Universe is always trying to teach you and help you grow.

I encourage you to ask for guidance if you don’t believe me.

Therefore, don’t fight it when adversity arises.

Instead, embrace the challenges and overcome them so your manifestation will come.

You can’t see the destination while traveling, but you know it’s there.

Follow the roadmap (intuition), and you’ll arrive at your destination in no time.

You might think that you are just a product of your environment.

This is not true.

Every human has an inner world.

Your inner world is your personal experience.

It is how you perceive yourself, your beliefs, and your thoughts.

There are three things in life: perception, belief, and thought.

Perception is your interpretation of reality.

Belief is your interpretation of your perception.

Thought is your interpretation of your belief.

Your perceptions, beliefs, and thoughts can change your inner world. 

Why am I telling you this?

Because once your inner world changes, your outer world will change too.

It’s inevitable.

The Universe will then deem you worthy and let your manifestation become your reality.

#5 Dreams

You might have dreams that significantly impact your sleep, and remember them clearly after you wake up.

This could be the Universe giving hints on how to get your manifestation.

For example, you are aware of some event or dream that leaves you thinking about it all day.

Dreams give us essential information about ourselves.

Sometimes we don’t know what this information is.

But once we recognize them, we can apply them to our lives and make them happen.

Dreams are often symbols of something else.

If you dream about a specific event, you will likely encounter it in real life.

You might not see it as a literal dream, but it may have a similar meaning.

Also, dreams are a result of anxiety and stress.

That can be the case with your dream.

You might have subconsciously created this dream if you were having a stressful time.

This is why you should try to stay calm during the day.

If you are having a stressful time, take a break and relax.

This is a hint from the Universe that you might be too hard on yourself. Relaxation will help you to release stress and dream more clearly.

We must recognize that we are accessing parts of our unconscious mind when we dream. Therefore, the information sent to us through our dreams is not always factual.

Before you sleep, ask the Universe for a guide so that the Universe will leave clues to help you get your manifestation.

This will be your guide.

You can use the following steps to create a dream or vision: Make sure you are not dreaming by closing your eyes.

Ask the Universe for guidance, and let the answer come through you.

Feel the feelings that come up in response to your request.

Allow these feelings to move you into the future of your dreams.

Create a vision of your desired future by thinking about what you want and how it feels when you think about it.

Feel this feeling as if you are experiencing it.

Try it and see where it leads you.


The final sign that your manifestation is near is when you notice your life improving.

For example, you might see that you are sleeping better or you have more energy.

You might notice that your relationships with other people are improving.

You might notice that you’re working out more and eating healthier or even see that you’re starting to attract the things you desire.

Whatever it is, you’ll notice that your life is improving.

And what this means is that your manifestation is about to manifest.

Remember, you’re worthy of your manifestation.

I hope your manifestation comes to fruition after reading this article.

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